Ariyana is almost 2 1/2 years old and overall she really is a sweet, happy, and well behaved child. But, occasionally she displays qualities commonly referred to as "terrible twos!"
I broke down and bought a book on this topic thinking any advice and help on this would be welcome. After reviewing some potential books on Amazon, I settled on the book Making the "Terrible" Twos Terrific. Let's see if this book gives me any insight into the Toddler Mind.
But now she is all happy and fine 1 minute later. I think maybe my husband bribed her with Kit Kat or as Ariyana would say "Kick Kack"
Love the pics -Naina. You have really captured the mood swings of a "terrible two." I have enjoyed reading through your blog- way to go! Look forward to more...p.s. I am going to start reading Eat, Pray, Love. The movie comes out soon. Started reading "The Girl with the Golden Tattoo." It's a tough one to get into - probably try it again. Have you read it?
Yes, I read that book a long time ago before it became popular. And, I read reviews about "The Girl with the Golden Tattoo" but haven't read it yet. I was thinking of reading it next. I think a movie is in the works for this book as well!
what a cutie! i also have a two year old and i bought that book when my oldest was two, although i can't remember a thing it said now! ha ha ha.
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