
June 10, 2010

Just Let Me Lie Down

As a mom of a 2 year old,  sometimes I feel like I just need to lie down! The past month or so I have been trying to read a bit before going to sleep every evening.  And, I must say I am doing pretty well!  It feels so good to get back to reading, even if it is just 10-15 minutes every evening.  I just finished reading this book by Kristin van Ogtrop, editor of Real Simple magazine.  Just Let Me Lie Down is a funny and easy to read book about motherhood and working.
Next on the reading list is The Help by Kathryn Stockett.

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1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried to post this earlier but didn't come up! I usually read the Allure and Glamour I get in the mail, but if I read anything that's not a magazine, it's usually non-fiction (politics/philosophy). Would be nice to get back on that! - Vandana

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